New Website

We are grateful to God for the riches of his glorious grace!

Now in the 10th year of steady ministry there is much to reflect back upon with thanksgiving of how the Lord has grown this ministry committed to faithfully proclaiming the Word of God in the counseling room. It is with great joy that Christ-Centered Counseling Ministries can present this new website as a token of the new season it is transitioning into.

With two new counselors and increased opportunities for Clyde to offer his support to both local church leadership, but also the next generation of biblical counselors. There is much to continue to rejoice in, but equally so, continue with hands to the plough. Our post-COVID world has ushered in its share of intensified challenges, and yet, C-CCM is poised now more than ever to meet those challenges as they relate to the need of caring for souls.

With some changes in contact information, new counseling locations on the way, and increased opportunities for training and consultation. We ask that all our long time supporters and those just getting introduced to the ministry to pray for the Lord of the harvest to continue His marvelous work of saving and sanctifying souls. That we as a ministry board and counselors would remain steadfast and focused on what we’ve been commissioned to do, and that the Lord’s provision might be bountiful for the work to continue and grow!