Beyond Counseling…



Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.

This is a unique service we offer in the local church which is essentially wise counsel. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul writes (as quoted above) about the need for spiritually-minded individuals to facilitate restoration. He also refers in Philippians to Eutychus who was to offer aid to two woman in disagreement. Therefore, our consultative ministry is an additional set of eyes and ears coupled with biblical wisdom and years of counseling experience brough to bear on local church needs. Whether in:

  • Church discipline cases

  • Reconciliation

  • Establishing a counseling ministry

  • Growing personal care ministry (small/care groups)



We give to others what we have received.

On of the primary ways we can continue to support the local church in her growth and vitality is through training others in the unique approach to pastoral care which is: biblical counseling.

We do not consider ourselves the “professionals” rather we view our ministry as biblical counselors as servants of the local church through applying God’s Word to everyday matters of the heart. That is why we make it our aim to incorporate as much of the rich wealth of biblical counseling material available into our counseling and put it before our counseling partners. The following are some ways we seek to strengthen local churches:

  • 1-2 Day Training Seminars

  • Retreats or Special Events

  • Supervised Counseling (TBA)

  • Training Biblical Counselors (TBA)