Note: All our counselors are trained in both theology and biblical studies. We utilize ACBC for ensuring the quality of our counseling practices and character of our counselors. Upon acceptance into the ACBC network our counselors continue to train and grown in their knowledge and methodology of applying the Scriptures to all of life’s problems.


Executive Director


Clyde is an ordained minister and has served in the Bible Fellowship Denomination since 1986. For more than 15 years he was privileged to serve as a pastor both in associate and senior-pastor positions. His undergraduate training was received at Wheaton College (BA, Psychology) and graduate studies were completed at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA. Additional training in conflict coaching and mediation was received from Peacemakers Ministries, Billings, MT. Clyde is married to Lisa for nearly 30 years, and they have four children.



Lulu is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Biblical Counseling from Bob Jones Seminary as well as her biblical counseling certification from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Kutztown University in 2020. She and her husband Dean are members of Kutztown Bible Fellowship Church. Lulu is passionate about walking alongside counselees as the Lord works in their lives through the Holy Spirit and His sufficient Word


Called to Counsel?

Do you see yourself in biblical counseling? If you would like to know about the qualifications for counseling with C-CCM contact us at CLYDE@C-CCM.ORG or fill out the form on our contact page.