Photo courtesy of @janoschphotos

Welcome to Christ-Centered Counseling Ministries (C-CCM)! We know that life is full of stress and conflict – especially in modern society – and many find seeking wise counsel a great source for navigating these difficult situations.


Our Mission

We are a church-based ministry whose desire is to bring Christ to counseling and counseling to Christ’s Church! Our mission is to proclaim Scripture is all-sufficient providing real hope and lasting change when applied to life’s challenges.

We believe Jesus Christ is the answer to the problems that we face. “His divine power has granted to us all things pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Whether counseling at our C-CCM office or at a supporting church, teaching Sunday school classes, leading seminars, working with churches to develop a group of lay counselors, or training lay leaders in conflict coaching or mediation, we seek to proclaim Christ pre-eminent.

We at C-CCM want you to know and experience the rest that Jesus promises in His Word for those who labor and are heavy laden. Let us introduce you to the One whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. Contact us today and receive counsel that points you to God’s One and Only Son—the Lord Jesus Christ!


We are committed to accomplishing this through offering individual and group counseling. Counseling for singles or married couples, young or old, Christian or not, and one-on-one or with a pair of counselors.

We seek to strengthen the local church and its leadership by serving as a complementary service to your pulpit and pastoral ministries.

“[Biblical counseling] Must insist that the image of God is central to developing a solid view of personality; that our sinfulness, not how we’ve been sinned against, is our biggest problem; that forgiveness, not wholeness, is our greatest need; that repentance, not insight, is the dynamic in all real change.”
— Dan Allender

Our Approach

A brief description outlining our approach in contrast to other forms of counseling called Christian.


Dr. David Powlison answers the question: “how does your technique or theory differ from mainstream psychotherapy?”


Commit to Pray

Whatever our faithfulness in applying God’s Word it is useless without Holy Spirit bringing light and heat to every conversation.